Thursday, January 05, 2006

Over easy with a side of grits

If you live in the DC area and you ride the metro then you know you are not suppose to eat or drink on it. Remember the lady who got arrested for having a bite of her PayDay candy bar in her mouth while going through the turnstile...granted I think she did say something nasty/rude to the officer, but still a bit extreme. Anyway the point here is you don't eat food and you don't drink drinks on the metro (full stop). And usually people follow this rule. Sure you'll get the random person now and again sneaking a sip out of their Starbucks mug or the baby nibbling on crackers, but overall people pretty much follow the rules. I remember once I stuck a piece of hard candy in my mouth because I was coughing and felt all guilty about my fellow passengers were judging me and soon a secret food cop was going to jump out of the crowd and arrest me. But today there was this guy that all out didn't follow the rules. He whipped out of a bag an ENTIRE breakfast. Eggs, sausage, home fries...the works and he proceeded to eat it with no hesitations or side-ways glances. I almost wanted to report him, but figured that would make me dumber than him...can you imagine the ridicule I'd get if he was arrested and my face was put up in the Washington Post as the person who turned him in! Yoy...I'd never be able to ride the metro again! The more I think about it though the more I realize I was just mad because he wasn't sharing and those home fries looked mighty tasty. :)


At 8:42 AM, January 06, 2006, Blogger mj said...

My dad said he once saw some kids (teenage guys) jump down ON TO the tracks while joking around. And then they climbed back up to where there giggling girlfriends were waiting.

It makes me sick to even think about it....

I love your crazy smoker dude - no rules baby!!


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